What is A Bright Ship?

A Bright Ship is the online vessel for my work exploring the edges of human knowing through attuned listening. It is lighting a candle in the dark to see the true face of things. It is Birch work – Pioneering new forests of the imagination. It is river speech bristling with so many voices keen to tell the stories of the world back to itself.

I am three journeys braided together. I explore the Philosophy of Myth - multivalent meaning making in story in academic contexts. As an Imaginal Artist I sail the oceans of common cultural imagination here on A Bright Ship. Through the Court of Utterance I teach Bardic Education - Learning to speak the stories of the world back to itself.

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Hey friends! I’m an independent scholar finding my way to share my work in the world. Substack subscriptions help me dedicate more of my time to working at the hearth of the world’s heart. Subscribers get the full paid articles (though I try and make the opening informative enough for free subscribers!) as well as little extra bits and pieces that emerge from the conversations with the planet and it’s people. Subscribing makes such a huge difference to me and my work as I am only just beginning this journey of sharing the work of words after many years listening carefully to the stories passing through our shared Imaginal landscape. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives.

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The words on the page (or screen) leap to life when they find a home on your tongue - If you think what you’ve read is interesting, alarming or helps you feel seen all I can ask is you support me on this voyage so the work can continue.

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We sail for the horizon // Bardic Education // Imaginal Arts // Philosophy of Myth


We sail for the horizon // Bardic Education // Imaginal Arts // Philosophy of Myth